Wednesday, November 28, 2012


This post is going to be one of few that will go against the grain here, it's not about Chiari.  I have some thoughts in my head tonight that I have to get out before I can sleep, and I figured this was the best place for now.
This pregnancy has been different than my first for many reasons.  Mostly you hear that it's because of the nausea and sickness I'm experiencing this time, but that's not all.  Last time around I sat waiting each month (thankfully not for too many), pregnancy tests in hand, to see if it was our time to be blessed with a little miracle.  I was ready, waiting, and welcoming all that was to come, the good and the not-so-great.  This time it snuck up on us, and was here whether we were ready for baby or not.  I think that's why, even though I'm constantly reminded of it with how I feel every day, it still hadn't seemed real to me, until today. 
Today I was motivated to put on make-up and flat iron my hair for the first time since October 7th (yes nearly 2 months), put on clothes that are not sweats or yoga pants, and head out to lunch with a good friend.  Thankfully those clothes still fit, though unfortunate that it's because of the way I've been feeling, but they couldn't hide the precious bump that has once again become a part of me.  I don't know if it's been there for a bit, hiding under the t-shirts, or if it just popped out today for the special occasion, but I'm glad it did.  It really does seem real now, and maybe, just maybe, it'll help me get through the not-so-great days yet to come...

Dear Baby,
We're going to have some rough days ahead little one, but please know that everything we're doing we truly feel is in your, and our family's best interest.  Just hang in there with us and be strong, I promise you, the best is yet to come :)
All my love,


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Leigh, I didn't advertise this one because it wasn't for everyone else, it was very much for me. Glad you like it :)

  2. Awww, that almost made me cry :( You're one tough cookie. I'm so impressed with your positive attitude. Hope things improve very soon!
