Nothing major to update, just figured I would post something since it's been a few weeks. I met with my OB last week so she could fill me in on her discussion with the high risk OB who had previously been out of the country. He agreed that it isn't necessary to have an MFM present at my surgery since nothing could be done if the baby did go into distress. Unfortunately at 16 weeks, it's not like a viable baby could be delivered. Personally I would rather my neurosurgeon didn't know if that was happening so it didn't effect the job he's there to do. He did agree though that we have the surgery scheduled for the best possible time, 16 weeks, which still amazes me since it was the time frame we chose before we even knew we were pregnant. She also gave me a quick 11 week ultrasound, quite a change from 8 weeks! We saw a great profile shot along with a distinct head, body, legs, and feet. Also a rapid heartbeat of 162, up from 150 at 8 weeks. We should be able to find out gender at our 18 week appointment in early January!
I have an appointment at the neuro clinic on Tuesday, I think just to see the PA and make sure nothing has changed very much and see how I'm doing. Hopefully we'll schedule my pre-op appointment at that time. Very grateful for my friends and neighbors who will be keeping Logan for me, as long as all of the kiddos stay healthy!
This pregnancy continues to be difficult, taking Phenergan at night and Zofran during they day for the persistent nausea.
I'd like to say thank you to Pete Dal Bello, the president of the International Chiari Association for featuring my story on their website last week. Also, thanks to Jess from the Chiari USA Facebook page for her efforts and concern. It is all very much appreciated!
Thanks to everyone for your continued love and support, XO :)
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