Monday, October 22, 2012


I was finally able to speak with my neurosurgeon, Dr. Bronec, last Monday the 15th.  I don't think I'll ever get used to talking to a neurosurgeon on the phone and being so comfortable, he's the best :)
His major concern was my symptoms, whether any had worsened or new ones had come about.  At that point they hadn't which he was glad to hear.  He said the ideal situation would be that I experience little to no worsening of symptoms along with no new ones throughout my pregnancy and we wait until after the baby is born to do surgery.  The only problem with this is that we have no idea what truly will happen!  We would hate to wait, passing up the second trimester and optimal time for surgery during pregnancy, then have symptoms worsen in the third trimester when surgery is more dangerous for the baby, really impossible unless it's an emergency, and I'm then stuck with a numb arm or leg until after the baby is born!
We ended our conversation with Dr. Bronec planning to contact my OB to discuss what they think would be the best choice.  I see her on Wednesday for my first appointment so hopefully they've talked before then.
The day after talking to Dr. Bronec, I woke up with a stiff neck (which had been getting better since the round of steroids) and an aching at the back of my head.  The next day I experienced numbness below the elbow in my left arm, from my forearm down into the last three fingers of my hand.  This was definitely a first for me.  I have since also had some brief numbness in my right pinky finger.  Trying to be a responsible patient, I left a message for Dr. Bronec to let him know of the changes.
On another note, this has been a miserable pregnancy thus far :(  I have been nauseous, throwing up, and dry heaving constantly now for 13 straight days, definitely worse than last time!  I'm hoping to get some meds on Wednesday to take away the worst of it.  I like to say that it must be a girl because one of my sweet boys would never do this to their Mommy!!
XO :)


  1. Just skimmed through all your posts and got caught up on your condition. First, congratulations on baby number two!!! :) Second, glad to hear you feel you are in good hands. We will keep you in prayer as you are dealing with all sorts of symptoms right now :( and as you prepare for surgery.
