Thursday, October 4, 2012

MRI results..

Sorry it's been a little while.  For one, we didn't expect to wait this long for MRI results!  In addition, something else came up that made us think surgery wouldn't be able to happen in December, but it turns out it might still be possible, so we are happy about that. 
The thoracic MRI came back normal.  They are able to see the end of the syrinx, but more importantly, they didn't find anything, like a tumor, that could be causing the blood in my spinal cord.  This means it is most likely from years of popping blood vessels at the hands of chiropractors, and my own regular 'cracking' of my neck. 
Once again, thank you all for your love, support, and concern and we hope to have more surgery information soon!  XO :)


  1. So are they suggesting you not see a chiropractor anymore? Or is the blood in the spinal cord not an issue now that you know it's benign?

    1. I can't have my neck adjusted because of the Chiari and the strain my spine is under in my neck, I guess it's too dangerous. I can still have my lower/middle back adjusted though. It's so hard for me because I've depended on neck adjustments for relief for so many years and now I'm on my own with it :(
