Friday, October 12, 2012

My how life can change in a day..

As I mentioned in my previous post, something came up a few weeks ago that made us think surgery would have to wait a while.  That 'something' just happens to be a little brother or sister for Logan, we're expecting! This has been quite a surprise for us, not exactly what we had planned at this point.  Our hope was that after having and recovering from surgery, I would physically feel like carrying and raising another little one, but I guess that choice has been made for us!
I found myself quite confused when I learned I was pregnant, which we found out while we were in the mountains, one of the many reasons we will never forget that trip!  I felt a mixture of happy, disappointed, scared, upset, just about everything you can think of.  I finally had a diagnosis and a great surgical team and was so looking forward to surgery.  Our minds were set on it and I couldn't wait to finally have some relief.  We thought the pregnancy was going to force us to put surgery off and I wasn't sure how I would do with pregnancy, childbirth, and a newborn in my current condition, without surgery.  Needless to say, my thoughts and emotions were all over the place.  Kevin has been nothing but excited from the beginning, but he understands that it's a little different for me.
Other than choice of delivery, c-section or not, there's little to no data out there on pregnancy with Chiari, or decompression surgery with Chiari.  Things definitely changed last week though when I was finally able to talk to my neurosurgeon's PA, Joey.  As it turns out, the pregnancy makes them want to do surgery even more.  They're worried about the additional strain a pregnancy will put on my spine, particularly the worst case scenario, paralysis.  The risk of miscarriage from anesthesia is 10% in the first trimester, however, it drops to 5% in the second trimester, a somewhat more comfortable number.  It's definitely one of those situations where you have to weigh the risks against the benefits.  Joey informed me that they would be contacting my OB to discuss what they all think is the best plan, and also to fill her in on exactly what Chiari is and what I'm dealing with.  When I last saw her and told her that I have Chiari, her reaction was one of 'oh, so you get headaches'.  Yeah, it's a little more than that!  As great as she is, she definitely needs to be informed by someone in the medical field.  I am still waiting to hear back from my neurosurgeon since I missed his call last Friday, but we are really hoping that everything works out and we can stick to our original plan of surgery in December, which will fortunately put me in my second trimester. 
Kevin has been amazing. We've both been sick with the head and chest crud, pregnancy and Chiari of course have me feeling like crap.  Despite all of this he's been so strong and made sure everything has been taken care of and that this household is running as smoothly as possible right now.
If I could ask a small favor?  Please keep all comments about the pregnancy on the blog, I don't want it all over FB just yet!  You are the privelaged ones who get to know first ;)
Thank you all so much for your love and support, we need it now more than ever to stay strong and positive, and as always, I'll keep you posted :)  XO


  1. Awesome news about the baby Melissa!Logan will make such a great big brother. If you need anything while Kevin is away, just call. Keeping you in my thoughts!

    1. Thank you Joanne! We definitely need to do lunch soon, hopefully my nausea will settle down soon! I'm miserable :( So lucky Logan is an absolute angel, I don't know what I'd do otherwise. Please tell Katie HI for us!

  2. I wondered if that was your "news"! How exciting- and scary! After delivering Caroline 7 weeks early I was completely shocked/unprepared to see a positive pregnancy test a few months later. So I totally get the mixed feelings! But I hope your doctors will be able to help you through the pregnancy and hopefully a few years down the road you'll be pain-free and have two darling babies (because if Logan is any indicator-you know #2 is going to be a doll as well!).

    1. Yeah I was trying to be sneaky for a little bit longer! Hopefully it won't take a couple years to start feeling better, it should be before #2 is even born. It's just crazy to even think of going through a major surgery like this, let alone while pregnant. Thank goodness for modern medicine! We can only hope that the next baby is anywhere near as good and easy as Logan has been :)
